As winter draws nearer, and the latest
big hike in energy charges starts to bite,
we are increasingly concerned about
how to keep our homes and businesses
running efficiently and ourselves warm.
The bad news is that while MPs argue
the toss between themselves, the simple
truth remains that demand continues to
rise and energy of any sort does not come
cheap and never will again.
The good news is that there are now
many different ways of saving energy
and cutting your costs. Farmers are
generally pretty shrewd at identifying
which schemes work best for them. In
our Prepare for Winter in this issue, for
example, we look at how Nick Keenlyside,
who keeps a 100-strong herd of Blond
Cross Angus at his North East Mason
Farm in Seaton Burn near Newcastle
upon Tyne, has used Make it Cheaper’s
free service to keep his electricity running
costs down.
The latest annual data from the Health
and Safety Executive shows that workrelated deaths in agriculture have fallen
from 33 in 2011/12 to 29 in 2012/13,
while the number of reported major
injuries remains relatively unchanged at
375 compared to 376. The Farm Safety
Partnership, chaired by the NFU, is
an industry-led initiative committed to
improving agriculture’s safety record. But
while such initiatives are excellent, it is up
to individuals, employers and employees,
to take proper responsibility for health and
safety in their working environments. If
you have any doubts, take a look at HSE’s
record of farm accidents. Stay safe, don’t
cut corners, always follow the proper
procedures. As young people are often
vulnerable, it is encouraging to see the
NFYFC stepping up to the mark on safety,
with support from DEFRA.
The latest Rural Crime Survey
2013 by NFU Mutual highlights
the problems farmers face from
theft across the country with an
estimated total cost of £42.3million
a year, identifying Yorkshire, Essex,
Kent and Lincolnshire as the most
affected. As part of our commitment
to highlight farm security in Farmers
Mart, we asked Tina Hughan, Head
of Marketing for ASSA ABLOY UK,
one of the world’s leading lock and
security companies, for her views on
improving farm security.
As we went to press, NFU Dairy
Sector board chairman Mansel
Raymond and chief dairy adviser Rob
Newbery were arriving in Japan where
they are taking part in the International
Dairy Federation annual conference
in Yokohama. They will be exploring
the growth opportunities British dairy
can offer the international market
and to share knowledge gained from
the creation of the voluntary code.
They are also keen to explore new
technologies and tools that will benefit
the industry, and share examples of
best practice.
Livestock markets in England and
Wales are undergoing an unprecedented
period of regeneration and modernisation,
according to the Livestock Auctioneers’
Association (LAA). LAA Executive
Secretary Chris Dodds said the industry
was in a process of transformation
that was seeing premises modernised
and upgraded, business merging and
expanding and new areas of business
being added to the mix. In the last 10
years we have seen many developments
or relocations, and others are in the
pipeline. We will continue to keep you
abreast of all developments across our
region –in this issue we take a look at the
exciting changes coming for Darlington.
Ploughing in its earliest forms was
man’s first attempt to cultivate food in
the transition from hunter/gatherer; it is
an ancient skill that has been once again
demonstrated by the experts in ploughing
matches throughout the country this
autumn. Whatever amazing advances
there are in technology, it reminds us all
of the origins of farming the land and is
always a fascinating spectacle.
Finally, as the end of the year draws near,
and our next issue will be out in January
2014, we would like to thank all our valued
advertisers, supporters and readers for
their support in the past year, and wish
you all a merry Christmas (though NOT
necessarily a white one), and a safe,
happy and prosperous New Year.
Farmers Mart
Subscription costs just £21 for 6 issues and can be paid by credit card or cheque.
Simply call Ian Wilkinson on 01226 321 450 or email [email protected].
Oct/Nov 2013 FarmersMart
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