FEB/MAR 2020 • farmers-mart.co.uk
Sustainable Control of Parasites in Sheep (SCOPS)
Updated advice on moxidectin 2% a result of constructive
discussion between SCOPS and leading animal health company
FOLLOWING a joint workshop, SCOPS is
delighted to have worked with Zoetis
Animal Health to release updated advice
on the use of moxidectin, and particularly
the 2% injectable formulation.
The work with Zoetis was borne out of
concern by both parties about reports
of potential over-use, in particular as a
treatment for ewes at lambing, coupled
with an increase in the prevalence of
moxidectin resistance in the UK.
Speaking on behalf of SCOPS, Lesley
Stubbings says: “Constructive discussions
between Zoetis and SCOPS agreed that
the priority must be to preserve moxidec-
tin both as an anthelmintic for worms and
a treatment for sheep scab. In order to do
this, the sheep industry must prescribe
moxidectin responsibly, by applying the
SCOPS principles.
“In practice, this means sheep farmers
working with whoever prescribes their
anthelmintic, be it their vet or SQP, to
avoid over and/or unnecessary use of
moxidectin, ensuring the treatment is
always given at the right dose rate and
administered correctly and allowing
some worms to remain unexposed to the
Prescribers are therefore reminded of
the following SCOPS principles:-
• Year on year use of moxidec-
tin in ewes around lambing is
unadvisable in any flock. Simply
rotating with other wormer groups
within a season is not enough.
• If ewes are treated with mox-
idectin, some must be left
untreated. It is essential to leave
at least 1 in 10 of the ewes untreated
(and preferably more than that) and
these need to be spread between dif-
ferent grazing mobs. It is not enough
to simply leave singles as they may
be grazed in separate fields to twins.
Use body condition as a guide with
the fittest ewes left untreated.
• Moxidectin 2% should not be
used more than once in any
flock in any one year. In practice,
this means that if moxidectin 2% is
used in ewes at lambing then mox-
idectin should not be used again in
that flock in the same season.
• Where moxidectin 2% has been
used in ewes to suppress the spring
rise then it should not be used to
treat sheep scab (or vice versa).
An OP plunge dip is an appropriate
alternative to treat scab.
• Check the dose rate and admin-
istration method. Underdosing
remains a major risk factor in the
development of anthelmintic resist-
ance. Sheep farmers should know
the weight of their sheep and dose
to the heaviest (if a wide range of
weights is expected, batch and dose
accordingly). The correct technique
for administration and maintenance
/ calibration of equipment is also
Ms Stubbings continues: “SCOPS is
also very pleased to have agreed with
Zoetis that further work is required in this
area – specifically assessment of the risk
posed by the passing of moxidectin from
lactating ewes to their lambs via milk
– and also the possible role of moxidec-
tin 2% in slowing the development of
anthemintic resistance to other mole-
cules. Both of these are very important
and we hope both areas of work can be
progressed positively.”
SCOPS urges prescribers and sheep
farmers to find out more at www.scops.
ing-a-product, where they will be able to
find a full statement for from SCOPS and
Zoetis, and proceedings from the work-
shop where this topic was discussed.
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