The Farmers Mart Feb-Mar 2020 - Issue 67 | Page 43

FARMSTAR 43 • FEB/MAR 2020 TRAILERS • MANURE SPREADERS • CHASER BINS GRAIN AND FERTILISER HANDLING • LIVESTOCK TRAILERS DELILAH VERTICAL BEATER MANURE SPREADER SUFFOLK TRAILER LARGE CAPACITY, ROBUST AND DURABLE strength and durability, - deliver full payloads with a low unladen weight. Available in 11 to 24 tonne models with an impressive array of standard fea- exact requirements. Suitable for grain, silage and general purpose haulage. RICHARDWESTER.COM | 01728 723224 | [email protected] Alex Merryman Julian Floyd Jamie Gutteridge Border View Farm, Dronfield Woodhouse (Has both a Stone & Rubbletrailer and a muck spreader) H Featherstone & Sons, Grange Farm, Shiptonthorpe Farm & A D plant manager MH Poskitt Ltd “The stone and rubble trailer is great, very strong. We use it most days. It’s very well made everything is protected such as reflectors when its full. It is great on wet ground as its on large floatation tyres, also very stable on uneven ground. My sons said I was mad to push the boat out but now glad I did. We have a Muck spreader as well – not the cheapest but we have had it since 2009 and use it most days, it’s never put a foot wrong and is very easy to grease and maintain. You get what you pay for” “We have a 20-ton grain trailer, it’s a superb trailer, very easy to tow behind our 4220 Fastrac, it rides well full or empty, we also have a Hydraulic easy sheet fitted as well. Very happy with it indeed” “We have used Richard Western Trailers for a long time, our oldest is 19years old, apart from our carrot harvesters these are the most used pieces of machinery on the farm. They light, reliable, very easy to maintain, parts are easy to get, and they are not an expensive trailer”. AUGER FEEDER MIXER’S (TWIN AND SINGLE) Insurance and Risk Management Will on telehandlers, front end loaders and tractors. AGRIQUIPMENT SALES & FABRICATIONS | 01302 341 344 @ProAktivePeople TEL: (01724) 783887 FAX: 01724 784242 BoM AGRIQUIPMENT SALES Email: [email protected] Web: