The Farmers Mart Feb/Mar 2016 - Issue 44 | Page 48
High Bohemia Farm
Beef success
and family
sadness at
High Bohemia
Chris Berry talks with John
and James Edgar
someone for the first time who
visited the Edgars at High
is no longer with us less than
Bohemia Farm, near Wigginton
three weeks later and no longer
to interview them about their
able to read their own quotes.
latest success James, his mum
I’ve written about farms and
Margaret, and his sisters Emma
farming families for 25 years and
and Amanda said goodbye to
in that time I have experienced
their father and husband John
many emotions through those
who passed away on New Year’s
I’ve interviewed. What I can tell
Eve having been diagnosed
you is that John approached his
with cancer last summer. I
final days with a calmness, quiet
make no excuses for starting
dignity and gentle humour that
this story this way as it will
spoke volumes for the man who
clearly still be uppermost and
James describes as ‘the best
raw in their minds as I write
stockman in the area’.
this only six weeks on; and
because it is John who
made the farm what
it is today, with
a reputation
for producing
but they were both checking
things with him so much that
we all went through to chat
with him in the living room.
‘I found out about the cancer
in July,’ he said. ‘It’s been a
downhill trend since then and
It’s not
often I meet
48 Feb/Mar 2016
I’d been talking with James
and Margaret in the kitchen
I think it’s a no hoper.’ The
smile John gave as he said