The Farmers Mart Feb/Mar 2014 - Issue 32 | Page 4

from the editor The severe floods and storms affecting huge areas of Britain since the New Year got under way have brought home to all of us just how precarious our lives and livelihoods are – and how near-helpless we all are, in the face of nature’s immense and terrifying power. Images of the floodstricken inland areas and the devastation of parts of the coast seemed scarcely to relate to us: we are more used to seeing such catastrophic scenes in other parts of the world, when Britain is always among the first to send help those afflicted. If there is anything positive to be salvaged out of the nightmare, it is the almost wartime spirit of ordinary people – many farmers among them – who have freely given their time, energy and money to help those in need. In a society that is increasingly selfish, that offers some comfort. And despite the bickering, this national emergency also – after much criticism - focused the government’s