The Farmers Mart Dec-Jan 2018 - Issue 54 | Page 36

36 YAMS 2018 DEC/JAN 2018 • 68385 - TaylorATV - QUTR.pdf 1 04/01/2018 12:19:56 The New Honda TRX420 and TRX500 Range ATV’s available now including new IRS and Power Steering models. For more info give us a call. C M Y Number 1 for Honda ATV’s in Yorkshire CM MY Main Can-Am Dealer in North Yorkshire, for ATV’s and Side by Side CY CMY K Call us for a Demo Contact: Tom Taylor - Windmill House Ind. Estate Sutton Road, Wigginton, York. 01904 758105 Contact: Garry Harrison - Unit 2, Upper Wensleydale Business Park, Hawes. 01969 667464 68190 - PhilipWatkinsLimited - HALF.pdf 1 20/11/2017 13:25:05 Philip Ltd Come and see the Latest Can-Am and Honda models TAYLOR ATV Are one of the North’s leading ATV and side by side dealerships for both Can-Am and Honda providing full sales, service and parts support for the both these Manufacturers from basic off-road farm ATV’s up to 1000 cc sports Quads with 4wd, and side by side vehicles from 450cc to 1000cc with up to six seats. Tom Taylor of Taylor ATV has been involved in the business for three decades. It covers from the North Lancashire and Cumbrian borders across North Yorkshire and through East Yorkshire to the coast, supporting all types of agriculture, forestry, game keeping & estates, equestrian sector and more. ‘ latest models on display ’ “We will have the latest models on display at YAMS for both Can -Am (including the new Traxter HD8) and Honda including the “Pioneer”. Do come and chat to us whatever your requirements are. Hall Farm, Stainton, Nr. Rotherham, S. Yorkshire S66 7QY Tel: 01709 798522 Fax: 01709 790752 Email: [email protected] 5m QUAD-TILL 2.4m Mounted TRI TILL Also available 3m and 3.6m Available 3m to 6m C M Y CM MY CY CMY K “We have equipment from Logic ATV Equipment, C-DAX Systems, TFM Trailers, Chapman Machinery, Longdog ATV Equip- ment & Wessex International to suit most machinery and attachment requirements for all ATV needs,” says Tom. 3m Heavy Duty Stubble Cultivator Available mounted 3m, 3.5m and 4m Also available Trailed 4m to 12m 4.8m Incorporator