The Farmers Mart Dec-Jan 2018 - Issue 54 | Page 35

YAMS 2018 35
www . russells . uk . com
• DEC / JAN 2018
YAMS 2018 35

Rabbit Hill

See us at YAMS

Country Store

RABBIT Hill Country Store is rural store based just off the A168 South of Boroughbridge . The store has everything needed under one roof , for farming and pets to equine and gardening . Well positioned within the rural community , the store sells everything needed for outdoor jobs ; from farming consumables and animal feeds to workwear , maintenance products and planting . The experienced team offers helpful and reliable advice alongside competitive pricing and an extensive product range .

‘ The experienced team offers helpful

and reliable advice ’

The Country Store stocks all essential farming products and offers helpful and reliable advice for the farmer , small holder and gardener . AMTRA qualified staff are on hand to offer animal healthcare advice and
sell regulated over-the-counter healthcare products .
The store offers a delivery service . All large , heavy or bulky products can be delivered locally , often free of charge .
Rabbit Hill Country Store is exhibiting at YAMS . They will have a number of show offers so call at their stand and say hello .

Your local one-stop-shop for all your rural needs

Offers on logs , coal , kindling and wild bird feed throughout winter
Reliable Helpful Competitive Service
Find us just outside Boroughbridge on the A168 Rabbit Hill Park , Great North Road , Arkendale , HG5 0FF T : 01423 396800 E : info @ rabbithillcountrystore . co . uk www . rabbithillcountrystore . co . uk

Russell Group appointed Pottinger and Jensen Dealers

See the New Holland range and book your demo on the Russell stand at YAMS 7 th February 2018

www . russells . uk . com

IT ’ S been a very busy year at Russell ’ s and this continues into 2018 with the addition of two key franchises . The Russell Group has been appointed as Pottinger dealers for Yorkshire and the full Pottinger range is now available at all depots . Russells are also appointed as Jensen wood chipper dealers for the Yorkshire region .
Paul Russel told Farmers Mart , “ I ’ m delighted to welcome Pottinger and Jensen to the Russell portfolio . The Pottinger franchise offers our customers access the highest quality grass and tillage equipment and we are showcasing the full range at YAMS . Jensen has over 130 years experience developing wood chippers and we are very proud to be partnering with this industry leader . Pottinger and
Jensen have been busy training our sales , parts and service teams and we are planning a full customer demonstration programme for 2018 ”.
2017 saw further expansion at Russell ’ s with the opening of two new depots at Rotherham and Rothwell near Kettering . Paul went on to say , “ Thanks to the continued support from our customers we have been able grow our business and improve the services we offer and we look forward to continuing this trend in 2018 ”.
Contact our Head Office on
01653 698000
sales @ russells . uk . com