Thorntree Farm
Sell , repair & service a large variety of farm machinery , tractors & agricultural accessories .
As a Family run business we pride ourselves on the level of service we offer to our customers .
Proud to be associated with Thorntree Farm
McCormick Tractors We are the dealer principle in South , West Yorkshire areas
Taking the time to offer you attentive , personal , local service for your insurance , pensions and investments .
Call 01484 664 119 for a quote or pop in
Cowley House , Queens Square Business Park , Holmfirth , Honley , West Yorkshire HD9 6QZ
Our Agents are appointed representatives of The National Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Society Limited ( No . 111982 ). Registered in England . Registered Office : Tiddington Road , Stratford upon Avon , Warwickshire , CV37 7BJ . Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority . A member of the Association of British Insurers . For security and training purposes , telephone calls may be recorded and monitored .
Young farmers - doing it with love
On a fresh Friday afternoon in November Ian Wilkinson met two young farmers full of passion for their animals , farming and one another !
TANYA CAMPEY AND Stuart Earnshaw have been farming at Thorntree Farm , Walton near Wakefield for just six years , but Stuart has always been involved in farming from childhood working on his parents farm in Sherburn . Stuart was always keen to get involved and learn farming , so much so that on leaving school he moved in with his grandmother at Thorntree Farm who at the time was managing a small herd of 12 Simmental ’ s . He went to Askam Bryan College one day a week and supplemented his income working on other farms , something he had been doing since school .
In December 2012 a chance meeting in an Ackworth pub on Boxing Day really set the wheels in motion for his very close working partnership with Tanya . Stuart met vivacious Tanya who was a hairdresser . Very much a tom boy her boss at the time nicknamed her “ Tan the Man ”!
Stuart and Tanya got on famously from day one with Tanya very quickly getting involved with the farm and in particular , with the Thorntree Herd . Sadly , Stuart ’ s grandmother passed away in March 2011 and although she left him the farm , there wasn ’ t a penny left otherwise . Tanya was getting more and more involved with the farm and with Stuart so in the July she moved which then enabled them both to work on the farm , alongside Tanya ’ s hairdressing and Stuart ’ s outside contracting .
Tanya was no stranger to animals as she had always had a love of horses and was also a pretty fearless rider which inevitably led to a few spills ! Earlier this year she managed to dislocate her knee , and freely admits to being a bit of a charger ! Indeed , not long after she had moved in Tanya had a bad fall and severely damaged her coccyx which meant she was unable to ride or drive which meant she was confined to the farm .
However , every cloud as they say – the couple had decided to expand the herd but really needed someone on farm all the time to manage things properly . So while Stuart was working on one other farm harvesting and spraying potatoes , Tanya was forming a close bond with “ the girls ” as she calls them . Another amusing fact is that initially she used to wear glasses and the cows for some reason did not like them and shied away – so that was it ! Contact lenses were purchased . For all Tanya likes to get stuck in on the farm , her years in the beauty business
62 Dec / Jan 2017 www . farmers-mart . co . uk