Farm Laurel Name Farm
This Hill is alive with the sound of music
Chris Berry talks with farmer and bass guitarist Charlie Hill in Skeffling
Onsite Welding and Fabrication
Mild Steel , Stainless Steel and Aluminium
Golden Hope Outnewton Rd , Skeffling , Hull E . Yorks , HU12 0UU
Mobile : 07850 795765
Ripon Farm Services are proud suppliers to Charlie Hill at Laurel Farm
THE CHARLIE DANIELS Band had a hit single with ‘ The Devil Went Down To Georgia ’ but whether another Charlie will ever release ‘ The Devil Went Down to Skeffling ’ is perhaps unlikely as it hasn ’ t even been written yet for one thing , but he is enjoying life with his band The Pub Lads that plays to have a great time , give a great time and raise funds for charity . In the past two years they have raised over £ 3000 for Cancer Research and they fully intend to carry on .
Charlie Hill is the larger-thanlife farmer , land agent director and livestock auctioneer who has now turned his hand to playing bass and provides the band ’ s rehearsal room in his lean-to that sees the band sharing the space with his Koi carp at Laurel Farm from where Charlie , wife Helen and their sons Francis ( 27 ) and David ( 25 ) run their 1150 acre farm enterprise growing mainly wheat and with oilseed rape as a break crop and beans . They also operate as agricultural contractors .
‘ We ’ re having a great time as The Pub Lads and people really seem to like us . There ’ s another farmer Andrew Wells of Kilnsea and then there ’ s Guy Moxon , a holiday home salesman ; my cousin Rich Newsome a solar panel installer ; and our drummer Paul Baker a retired lifeboat crewman and registered nurse , so we ’ re okay if anyone gets carried away at our gigs !’
‘ We play a bit of country , bit of rock and really anything from Johnny Cash and Willie Nelson through to Status Quo and Thin Lizzy . Whisky In The Jar goes down really well and we ’ re on with some Marc Bolan and T . Rex at the moment . We have about 40 songs that we can play with reasonable confidence . Our drummer Paul loves what we do as he ’ s played in rock bands for a long time and our repertoire is quite different to other bands . I sing Waylon Jennings ’ ‘ Mamas Don ’ t Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys ’ and we play stuff like ‘ On The Road Again ’ by Willie Nelson .’
Performing in a band was something that Charlie may have thought about when he was younger but he had no idea that a chance meeting with a friend one day would lead to The Pub Lads .
‘ I tried learning to play the bass guitar at school but lost interest . The catalyst for what has happened with The Pub Lads started when this chap brought his guitar one time , we sat in the conservatory and started singing and
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