The Farmers Mart Dec/Jan 2016 - Issue 43 | страница 18
Wharfedale Farmers Auction Mart
throughput of 1000 hoggs/
lambs, 200 ewes, 50 cull cows,
40-50 clean cattle and 20
prime pigs. The store market is
held fortnightly on Fridays and
sees another healthy number of
store cattle, calves, dairy cattle,
store lambs and pigs.
Not everything stays the
same in any business and
there are a few interesting
and positive trends that are
developing at Wharfedale
Mart, alongside the
mainstream livestock sold
every week.
“The Dales Mule is starting
to become more popular,” Ian
“As the Masham gimmer
lamb that is bred to breed fat
lambs seems to be going out
of fashion, because it gets
too much wool, producers are
starting to put the Blue Faced
Leicester tup to a Dalesbred
ewe. That brings about the
Dales Mule that in turn breeds
a Mule gimmer lamb. We’re
getting a lot coming through
and it is a good strong
sheep with a good finish. It’s
definitely one to watch.
‘But the biggest difference
we’re seeing at the moment
is in pigs and in particular, the
Pietrain breed from Belgium.
I’ve never seen anything
like them. They’re like body
builders and are really well
muscled and l