The Farmers Mart Aug/Sep 2016 - Issue 47 | Page 48

Cottage Farm Ripon Farm Services are proud suppliers to Rob Henley of Cottage Farm A CONSTANT LEARNING CURVE Rob is keen to expand where he can. “We have on-farm storage for about 40 per cent of the grain we grow. I’d like to increase the amount we can store but that will take considerable investment. Nearly everything I stored on-farm last year I also delivered into Ripon myself with a tractor and trailer. That helps on haulage costs.’ Livestock have always played their part in the Henley farming mix and presently Rob is carrying on that family line through buying-in sheep to fatten. “We used to have 100 head of fattening cattle bought in as stores at around 10-12 months. We finished with them in 2010 but I’d like to get back into cattle at some stage. We currently buy-in something like 600 Texel X stores and the occasional pen of Mules out of Hexham Mart each year. We sell either deadweight to Dawn Meats in Bridlington and liveweight at Thirsk Mart.” Rob fully understands that he has to make th e most of what he has but that doesn’t mean he necessarily wants to stick with purely the acreage he has. He’s a forward-looking positive young man with visions on how both farming’s future generally and his own farming future can be enhanced. “If there’s an opportunity to take on more land either to purchase or rent it has to be seriously considered, but I also know it’s not that easy. Everyone who is in a similar position to me will be competing for the same land. I’d like to increase my arable acreage first but it’s more likely to be that I will increase the sheep numbers we buy-in the first.” Rob is due to marry his fiancée Louise Gosney from Bishop Monkton in June next year. They are both involved with Aldborough & Boroughbridge Show as Rob’s father was too. “Louise has a couple of native Dales ponies and attends society shows in Barnard Castle. She also competes in Working Hunter trials. She’s just taken on the role of being in charge of sponsorship for W. T Webster & sons Agricultural Contractors Proud to be associated with Robert and Louise of Cottage Farm and wish them continued success Contact us today - Tel. 07889 053702 West Farm, Grafton Lodge, York, North Yorkshire, YO51 9QS 48 Aug/Sep 2016 Aldborough & Boroughbridge. I’m more of one of those guys who mucks in doing anything that needs doing.” Rob is the fourth generation to run Cottage Farm. The dynasty started with his greatgrandfather who arrived in 1920. It all looks very likely that this latest generation will carry on running with the baton for some time yet. Rob’s mum Anne now lives in Boroughbridge.