The Farmers Mart Apr-May 2020 - Issue 68 | Page 44
44 D & J STEAD
APR/MAY 2020 •
‘We have a highly cost-effective way
of mending and improving drainage,
but cleaning them out usually makes
them okay. We have great equipment for
trenching using an AFT100 trencher. Nick
has a tracker that we can put on to trace
where there may be a blockage, such as
one we had recently where a branch had
come down a pipe, had become cockled
up in an inspection chamber and leaves
had bunged it up as they had come
behind it. Once the branch was taken
out there was a torrent of water and the
following day it was back to normal.’
‘ one of the wettest
periods I’ve known
‘This past winter and spring has been
one of the wettest periods I’ve known,
all the way through from September. We
were making hay in t-shirts one Sunday
at the end of September. The following
day it started raining and didn’t stop
raining for two weeks. Farmers were
hanging off drilling saying it was too dry,
saying they needed a bit of moisture but
when the moisture came it didn’t know
when to stop. It got to the point where
people couldn’t drill at all and our area of
the Derwent and Foss became probably
one of the wettest areas of all.’
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