The Farmers Mart Apr-May 2019 - Issue 62 | Page 47
• APR/MAY 2019
Proud suppliers of Frankland
Farms, wishing the family
continued success. - 01200 445555
Regularly topping the shows and mar-
kets, the Frankland Family are renowned
throughout the area for producing very
high-quality lambs and prime stock. This
is a very well run and managed family
farm with very high-quality commercial
The farm also runs 360 head of replace-
ment breeding and beef cattle at any one
time, including the dairy calves - some
of which are reared at New Hall Farm
and some grazed on a headage basis on
neighbours land for summer.
All calves are reared on with some heif-
ers being sold as stores. The bulls are sold
at 10 months, either direct to a fattener or
via the auction mart system. The suckler
calves are sold as stores at a similar age
between 10 and 12 months at the local
store and stirk sales.
Looking ahead to the future, the
Frankland family see both opportunities
and potential. They are a very close
family and their main objective is to retain
a sustainable income to support all of the
families. The decision to take on the dairy
farm, six years ago, has been integral to
securing the long–term future sustaina-
bility of the farming business. The grazing
rotations for the sheep have increased
and improved, and it has also enabled the
family to focus the lambing on one site,
giving them the flexibility to lamb earlier
which helps with cashflow.
Going forward, Jon, aged 26, is keen to get
back into breeding pedigree Texels under
his own prefix of New Valley Texels. Having
established a flock when he was 12, Jon was
very successful and secured placings at
the Great Yorkshire Show. However, for a
number of reasons he had a dispersal sale
of his flock 4 years ago. The sale, which was
in association with North West Texel Breed-
ers, achieved prices of £2,000 for tups and
ewes. However, Jon is missing his Texels
and has recently re-established the New
Valley Texel flock and is once again looking
forward to being on the showing circuit.
On hosting NSA North Sheep, the family
really want to re-iterate that this is a big
honour and a once in a lifetime opportunity
to represent and showcase not just their
family farm, but also the surrounding area
and landscape that they are proud to be
integral to.
The National Sheep Association (NSA)
represents the views and interests of sheep
producers throughout the UK, receiving
tremendous support from everyone con-
nected with the industry. The NSA is funded
by the memberships of its sheep farmers.
Together with the many industry related
activities it is involved with, it aims to ensure
that it plays a key part in every aspect of
the sheep farming sector.
All information about this event can be found
Thursday weekly; Rearing Calves, Prime Cattle, Cull Cattle, Dairy Cattle, Prime Sheep & Cast Sheep
Show & Sale of Dairy 1st and 3rd Thursday in the month. Show & Sale of Prime Cattle last Thursday in the month
Thursday fortnightly; Stirks
Saturday Weekly; Cast Sheep and Prime Sheep. Breeding sheep during peak periods
Saturday Fortnightly; Store & Breeding Cattle, Store & Breeding Pigs, Breeding Sheep, Store Sheep
Monday weekly; Deadweight lamb Collection Centre– Red Market
01200445376 / 01200441351
[email protected]
Specialising in tax, farming
& rural businesses
‘We are proud to be associated with Frankland
Farms and wish them continued success’
01729 823755 | [email protected]
Settle Town Hall, Market Place, Settle, BD24 9EJ
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