The Farmers Mart Apr-May 2019 - Issue 62 | Page 46
APR/MAY 2019 •
For your tags and more
SET Sheep Tags
Breeding Pairs 81 p
EID Slaughter 59 p
Please visit
our stand at
NSA North
sheep for
show offers
Call us
or go o
Pleased to supply products
to Frankland Farms
Call us: Tel. 01643 841611 Visit: www. shearwell for our rep covering your area.
• All aspects of clamp silage (full to part service) • Fencing • Land drainage
• Slurrying, tankers 2000 gallon to 2600 • Grassland subsoiling
• Rear discharge and side discharge muck spreading
• Spraying (mainly grassland) using GPS • Fertiliser spreading using GPS
• Grassland reseeding, (mainly rotorvator based)
Proud to be working with Richard Frankland
Call Andy now
07886 554 740
possible from the end of May at Skipton
and Bentham auction marts.
In 2018, however, they made the decision
to sell in the region of 500 Beltex lambs to
the store market. This proved to be huge-
ly successful, they topped the market at
Skipton at £98 and their average during the
period was £85 for lambs selling at between
34 and 36 kilos. They certainly will consider
continuing with this option going forward as
in addition to the financial aspect, further
benefits also included having more fodder
and space for the other sheep.
Traditionally for this area, the lambing
pens are bedded on rushes, a natural prod-
uct which is known for helping to prevent
lameness. The rushes are harvested on
neighbouring farms, chopped, and then
spread into the lambing pens through a
straw blower. Depending upon the weather,
ewes and new lambs can be kept inside for
up to 48 hours after lambing.
In terms of forage, they are self-sufficient
for all stock, producing both silage and
hay. For sheep outside, they start with big
bale silage with concentrates and molasses
and when housed, clamp silage, molasses
and haylage is fed using the feed wagon,
in addition to an 18% concentrate, which is
fed separately and purchased from I’Anson
Brothers Ltd who also look after the forage
for both the dairy and sheep and they
advise and help with the diets. As the farm
produced such high-quality in 2018, they
‘ the family really want
to re-iterate that this is
a big honour and a once
in a lifetime opportunity
to represent and
showcase not just their
family farm, but also the
surrounding area and
landscape that they are
proud to be integral to
were able to reduce the use of concen-
This isn’t an easy farm to manage. The
land is a variation of different land types
and 180 acres are in a Higher-Level Stew-
ardship scheme. Yet, this family have
grown the business and adapted to ensure
it remains a viable enterprise for future
An aim for the Frankland Family is to
identify income potential opportunities
throughout the year, through all of their
farming enterprises. In the last six years,
they have increased their sheep flock by a
third and after weaning, the lambs are often
sent onto dairy land at the other farm for
clean pasture.
Visit us at North Sheep
Stand No.216
Bentham Auction Mart, High Bentham, Nr Lancaster, LA2 7HF
The Frankland Family’s Market of Choice
For the Purchase of Top Quality Breeding Sheep
Also For Sales of Prime Lambs, Breeding & Store Cattle
For Sale Details Please Contact Auctioneers
Stephen 07713 075 661
Greg 07713 075 664 Will 07590 876 849
Tel:- 015242 61444/61246 (Sale days)
Proud suppliers to Richard Frankland
of New Hall Farm, wishing him continued success
Moor Lane, Full Sutton, York, YO41 1HX
Tel: 01759 373062 / 01759 368563 (evening)
Fax: 01759 372929