The Farmers Mart Apr/May 2015 - Issue 39 | Page 12

CW Tate and Son Celebrating 103 years of family farming Milk, beef, beer - and very hard work »»Ian Wilkinson went along to Crathorne to meet with Ian Tate of farmers and contractors, CW Tate & Son. ‘real commitment’ Ian on Cliff’s very first Massey tractor 12 Apr/May 2015 Ian’s family has a very interesting history: back in 1912 GL Dugdale, the then Lord Crathorne, rented the Crathorne Arms and Free House Farm which comprised 76 acres, three rods and 10 perches to George Bolton for the princely sum of £10 per annum and £128 per annum. George took over the pub after the previous landlord was run over by a train at Picton station! George ran the farm and the pub until 1945, when his son Redvers Bolton took over. Redvers carried on until retiring in 1965 handing on the farm and pub to his daughter, Audrey and her husband Cliff Tate, who is Ian’s father. Cliff Tate took over Free House Farm and started with some cereal crops, potatoes and hay. He had just four dairy cows. Ian is pictured here on Cliff’s very first Massey Tractor that still works today and is used for yard scraping . After a traumatic barn fire in 1968, which set light to 1,200 bales of hay - started by a light bulb igniting the hay - Cliff went on to develop the crops side and raise his dairy herd to 45 milkers. a hard worker Unlike most modern farms today, Cliff put up all the extra farm buildings by himself. He was an extraordinarily hard working man not only building up and managing the farm day to day but also running The Crathorne Arms as well! He was unable to take a holiday for the first 14 years – that is real