The Explorer Magazine Winter/Spring 2024 | Page 10


The Homeschool Ecology Series provides hands-on , age-appropriate , interactive activities about ecology topics . These programs are designed to build on each other , but students may register for the lessons that interest them and fit their schedules . Sessions are available in February , March , and April .

Please call the naturalists at ( 765 ) 676-5437 or mccloudnp @ hcparks . net for additional information .
One session is for ages 6-11 ($ 5 / student ); younger siblings under age 6 are free . A separate session for ages 12-18 ($ 10 / older student ) is held simultaneously . The sessions will have some interaction with each other but will not be the same program .
Advance registration is required . All programs are approximately 2 hours and take place at McCloud Nature Park .
Prehistoric Life February 23
Did you know that Indiana was once under an ocean ? Or that large numbers of mastodons roamed our state ? Explore the geological remains of prehistoric life with us and learn how scientists piece together the story of life on our planet .
10 • www . HendricksCountyParks . org
Solar Eclipse March 22
Eclipses happen when one object in space passes through the shadow of another object . We ’ ll learn about the mechanics behind the upcoming solar eclipse and blast off on a journey filled with out-of-this-world science .
Nocturnal Animals April 19
Though we might not see them as often , there are numerous animal species that become active after the sun goes down . Homeschool students will discover the unique adaptations nocturnal animals have developed and the advantages to being a night owl .