The Explorer Magazine Fall 2023 | Page 14



Fall is the perfect time of year to head outdoors and take in all that nature has to offer .

Close your eyes and listen to the wind whisper through the crisp autumn leaves . Take a deep breath and inhale earth ’ s brisk scent as mother nature sheds her summer coat . Grab a handful of dried leaves from the ground and crunch them between your fingers . Open your eyes to discover birds taking flight or critters collecting food . Immerse yourself in all the beauty that nature provides as she passes from one season to the next .

Take a notebook and pencil / pen with you to record new discoveries , familiar encounters , your feelings , and observations that you experience during the nature walk . If you find that a certain memory or thought comes up along the journey , write those down too . Collect a handful of dried leaves and flowers while on your nature walk to bring back home for a DIY project . Let mother nature kindle your creativity to compose poems , write a story , or create nature inspired art .
14 • www . HendricksCountyParks . org