The EVOLUTION Magazine September-2023 | Page 21

Including THC often improves outcomes , particularly in managing daytime pain symptoms where CBD alone may prove inadequate . Given that RLS symptoms are often not as severe during the day as at night , in many cases , only a small amount of THC during the day may be needed ( e . g ., 10:1 CBD to THC ), which affords the patient a clear head for the work day .
RLS symptoms usually present most severely at night . Gratefully , this is when patients can consume more THC ( at home ) with less worry of impairment . In fact , consuming CBD past 5 p . m . is generally a bad idea as CBD can interfere with sleep . To get a good night ’ s sleep , take an edible ( 5-10mg THC ) an hour before bedtime . Edibles generally take an hour or so to take effect . If more immediate relief is required , smoking or vaping will do the trick . Though edibles take longer to take effect , they also stay in the system for hours longer than smoking and vaping . Many patients enjoy smoking or vaping as soon as they get home and then take an edible before bedtime . THC is also a great sleep aid , relieving the insomnia that so often accompanies RLS .
Cannabis is providing relief to thousands of RLS sufferers . Many patients report a reduction of the unpleasant sensations of RLS , and some even report total elimination of those pains , sensations , movements , twitches , etc . Just be reasonable about your dosing . Both THC and CBD are biphasic . Take only as much as needed . Too much can be counterproductive .
1 . https :// bit . ly / 3QzydY7 2 . https :// bit . ly / 44252QC 3 . Even if it did , thanks to the FDA , this author is legally prohibited from using the word “ cure .”
Peter Kershaw is a Patient Caregiver , an organic cannabis cultivation consultant , and extraction consultant . Contact him at pkershaw . email @ gmail . com or text to 417-230-4445 . As with all writers within these pages , if you ’ ve benefited from Peter ’ s articles , please let him and all writers know . They appreciate your thoughts .
Notice : The information contained herein is not intended as medical advice , diagnosis or treatment advice , but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on research and experience . The content is for general informational purposes only . As always , check with your doctor first .

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