The EVOLUTION Magazine September-2023 | Page 20

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Restless Leg Syndrome and Cannabis

There is considerable evidence of “ cannabis ” relieving unpleasant symptoms . by Peter Kershaw , Contributing Writer

Restless legs syndrome ( RLS ), also known as Willis-Ekbom disease , is a neurological disorder characterized by uncomfortable and sometimes painful sensations . Most commonly , it manifests in the legs . RLS causes an overwhelming urge to move the legs to relieve the discomfort . These sensations are most pronounced when the body is at rest , such as sitting or in repose , making work meetings , driving , and especially sleep challenging .

RLS sufferers often experience sleep deprivation ( insomnia ), which can lead to significant adverse impacts on the overall quality of physical and emotional health , including chronic depression . RLS symptoms range from mild to debilitating . RLS can begin at any age ( including childhood ), often worsening with age .
A 2011 North American and Western European meta-study concluded , “ RLS is a common disorder of major clinical and public health significance in the Western industrialized world , affecting between 4 and 29 % of adults .” 1 The U . S . averages around 8 %. However , the actual figures could be much higher since many cases go undiagnosed and unreported .
Making things even worse , an estimated 80 % of RLS cases also experience “ Periodic Limb Movement of Sleep .” PLMS is characterized by involuntary extremities jerking and twitching , typically occurring every 15 to 40 seconds . Needless to say , sleep partners of RLS sufferers ( made all the worse by PLMS ) may find it impossible to sleep with them .
Evidence suggests RLS may be related to a deficiency of dopamine ( a neurotransmitter )
20 September 2023 in the basal ganglia , a cluster of subcortical nuclei in the brain . The basal ganglia utilizes dopamine to help control muscle activity and movement . Dopamine deficiency can cause muscle spasms and involuntary movements . Dopamine levels naturally decline towards the end of the day , explaining why symptoms usually worsen in the evening and night .
Dopamine deficiency is also common with Parkinson ’ s patients , which explains why much of the research into the cause ( s ) of RLS resulted from Parkinson ’ s studies .
Other things can trigger , though not necessarily cause , RLS , including iron deficiency anemia . Low iron levels can lead to a fall in dopamine production .
Dopaminergic agents are often prescribed for RLS . One such drug is L-Dopa ( Levodopa ), a prescription drug precursor of dopamine . L-Dopa was featured in the highly acclaimed 1990 movie Awakenings ( ft . Robin Williams , Robert De Niro ), based on the book of the same name . Unfortunately , the long-term success rate of L-Dopa for RLS hasn ’ t often proven much better than it did in the movie for treating catatonic patients . Though RLS patients are likely to see dramatic initial improvements , its effectiveness often wanes and may later even worsen symptoms . 2
A safer and more natural approach for providing the brain with the precursor nutrients it needs to produce dopamine is the amino acids tyrosine and phenylalanine . Both are severely lacking in Western diets , and vegetarians and vegans are especially likely to be deficient . Studies show these amino acids quickly normalize dopamine levels ( because amino acids compete with proteins in crossing the blood-brain barrier , take only on an empty stomach ). Both are readily available as supplements online and in health food stores .
Though low iron levels aren ’ t believed to cause RLS , iron deficiency can trigger it . Given that many Americans are deficient in iron , it ’ s a good idea to take a quality multivitamin multi-mineral supplement that includes a healthy dose of iron .
Though evidence is purely anecdotal , some RLS patients swear by magnesium supplementation . Oral magnesium , however , isn ’ t particularly bio-available , and getting an adequate daily oral dose to counter RLS can result in unpleasant side effects ( e . g ., digestive disorders ). Gratefully our skin absorbs magnesium quite well . Magnesium spray can be applied directly to the legs and rubbed in . Note that over-applying can cause skin irritation .
Cannabis for RLS
Though there is no evidence that cannabis can “ cure ” RLS , 3 there is considerable evidence of it relieving the unpleasant symptoms . Even just CBD has been found to be highly beneficial , particularly for daytime use , both for moderate pain relief and as an anxiolytic ( anti-anxiety ) to relieve the stress and anxiety that frequently accompanies RLS .