The EVOLUTION Magazine October 2024 | Page 46

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Finally , We Hit an Artery , and It ’ s an Egg

It ’ s all about HEMP at the Prairie View Farm Field Day

by Dolores Halbin , contributing writer

Last month , I set the alarm early for Field Day . Cannabis RN April Hatch drove to my house after working a 12-hour night shift , and together , we set off for Garden City to attend the Prairie View Farm and Research Facility ’ s third annual Field Day at their “ Little slice of heaven , down on Highway 7 .” The event started at 7:45 a . m .

Despite the early hour , we saw a lot of familiar faces from across Missouri . Dr . Paul Callicoat and his son Jonathan drove up from the Sarcoxie Nursery . Kevin Halderman of Hemp Hemp Hooray drove up from Camden . Michele Poindexter had a table for Rural Route Hemp ’ s Adrian location . John Ortiz was a familiar face from Big Yield , as was Leroy Creekmore from Majestic Milling grain and feed operation in Cassville , MO . The Nebraska University ’ s Hemp Research team was there to present its findings from the past year . We also had the pleasure of meeting a new friend , Salenha Coleman of oceansbysalenha . com , a bath and body spa company with hemp soap that was such beautiful art I didn ’ t want to use mine .
It is my third year seeing these familiar faces at Prairie View Farm Field Day , and the experience is affirming . None of these farmers are stopping , and at the end of every day , hemp wins .
The stars of this year ’ s Field Day , hands down and agreed upon by all , were Wendy Mosher , CEO of New West Genetics , and Sarah Stevens of Kansas Hemp Technologies , who were here to announce a stunning breakthrough . We can now feed chickens hemp with the blessing of the Association of American Feed Control Officials ( AAFCO ) and the FDA .
Sarah Stevens and John McKee of Kansas Hemp Technologies , at the Prairie View Farm Field Day event in August .
Over the past ten years , I ’ ve used many analogies in our battle for cannabis . Back in 2016 , I remember looking out over the audience at the Patients Out of Time Conference in Baltimore . I had a vision as I addressed the crowd of 200 , telling them , “ We ’ re all out here on this iceberg with our individual tools , hammers , pickaxes , drills , our bare hands , and eventually , we will crack the ice . There are too many of us to fail .”
That was so long ago , the icebergs have melted , and I ’ ve had to find another analogy .
I chose the human body . Mother earth is sick . She needs a massive infusion to heal .
We need the medicine of cannabis to flow freely throughout all of earth ’ s systems , including us . To gain the momentum we need to heal the planet , we need an artery . All we have been able to find are veins . We have started a lot of peripheral IVs , enough to keep our planet / patient alive . Every plant , every acre of hemp worldwide , is delivering the life-saving medicine of cannabis back to the earth , but not enough , not nearly enough .
Dolores Halbin , RN , and Wendy Mosher , CEO of New West Genetics , at the Prairie View Farm Field Day event .
As a former ICU and ER nurse , I ’ ve been on a lot of Code Blues . In vascular shutdowns , there might be three or four nurses and doctors attempting an arterial line on one guy , ( or gal ), and then someone on the team gets it . The patient lives . 46 October 2024