My Home Grow
This month ’ s grower ’ s story and photos come to us from Jessie Oxford , co-owner of Kindway Farms in Columbia , MO . “ We have such a neat place in the Missouri industry ,” says Oxford . “ My husband , Dr . Matthew Oxford , and I started nearly five years ago to provide medical card certifications and community education as Kindway Consultations . We serve the entire state , but our base started in rural areas . I grew up as a rural Missouri girl , and my husband operates a rural medical practice .”
After certifying thousands of patients and patient cultivators , the Oxfords began sharing their garden with patients looking for seeds to grow their own medicine . “ We find extreme value in the Missouri medical program ,” said Oxford .
In 2020 , the Oxfords expanded the business and opened Kindway Farms to provide patient cultivators with grow and infusion seminars and cannabis genetics ( 2018 Farm Bill ). “ Now , in 2024 , we ’ re pretty lucky to have our patients and rec growers experience success with our local beans [ seeds ],” said Oxford . All seeds are compliant with the 2018 Farm Bill and do not contain more than . 03 % THC before germination .
Kindway Farms is inclusive and always welcomes new members to its free social club , Cropoholics Anonymous . Oxford says , “ There are currently nearly 2,000 members , and many are home growers .”
“ We ’ re all for rec , but we see cannabis as a valuable medicine and growing as a form of therapy ,” said Oxford . “ Our goal is to assist everyone who has the desire to grow and provide them the resources needed to succeed in a fun and safe learning environment .” To legally grow cannabis in Missouri , you MUST be a state-certified medical patient cultivator or an age 21-plus registered consumer cultivator .
22 March 2024
Photos © StarkRavenMadProd .
The photos on the left ( taken 12-07-2023 ) are of grower Casey Jack ’ s awesome plant named Love Whip , grown from Kindway Farms seeds . See more of his plant photos on IG , Casey @ skunkys _ grow . The photos were taken by Jack ’ s friend and professional photographer , Rusty Stark , owner of Stark Raven Mad Productions LLC . See Stark ’ s photography on Instagram , @ rustysbudz and @ starkravenmadproductions . Visit https :// starkravenmadproductions . com .
Learn more ab out Kindway Farms at https :// kindwayfarms . com .