The EVOLUTION Magazine March 2024 | Page 13

Edibles and tinctures also provide choices that allow people to explore consumption methods that align with their preferences and health considerations . Edibles isolate cannabinoids from raw cannabis and are a very popular way to get medicinal benefits without harmful side effects . However , while edibles are another smoke-free method and are widely available in dispensaries , they may not be ideal for those consumers who struggle with any digestive system conditions or discomfort .
Tinctures are often referred to as one of the healthiest and most versatile cannabis products . These liquid extracts , often alcoholbased , offer precise dosing and rapid onset of effects . You can add drops of cannabis tincture into your drink or take them sublingually ( under your tongue ). They provide a discreet and smoke-free alternative , making them an ideal choice for those seeking the healthiest way to consume cannabis .
I would be remiss not to mention that dosage management is a crucial aspect of wellness-focused cannabis consumption . As I have advised before , start with a low dosage and incrementally increase until finding the optimal balance for individual needs . This approach minimizes the risk of adverse effects associated with overconsumption . It allows consumers to tailor their experience in a way that brings the greatest benefit to each individual ’ s endocannabinoid system and overall health .
Also , given cannabis ’ s potential dehydrating effects , maintaining hydration is vital during consumption . Adequate water intake , combined with healthy snacks , supports overall well-being . Opting for nutritious snacks over sugary or processed foods contributes to a balanced and positive consumption experience .
A holistic and responsible approach to cannabis consumption involves a combination of selecting high-quality products , exploring alternative consumption methods , mindful dosage management , maintaining hydration and nutrition , and creating a comfortable environment , amongst other things . The healthiest way to consume cannabis has no single answer but instead is based on the individual ’ s needs and endocannabinoid system sensitivities . However , finding smoke-free and minimally invasive methods , such as tinctures , is a great way to start exploring what is best for you .
Have a cannabis education related question for Leah ? She ’ s a St . Louis native and a cannabis activist since 2010 ! Leah is excited to help answer all your medical marijuana questions . Please send questions to leah @ theweedblog . com . Your question may be featured in a future issue of The EVOLUTION Magazine .
Notice : The information contained herein is not intended as medical advice , diagnosis or treatment advice , but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on research and experience . The content is for general informational purposes only . As always , check with your doctor first .
March 2024 13