The EVOLUTION Magazine March 2022 | Page 42


What Cannabis Strains Can Help as an Alternative

Treatment for PTSD ? by Dr . Michael J . Poppa DO , MBA

Previously , I addressed the use of medical cannabis as an effective pain management treatment . This month , we ’ ll explore medical cannabis as an adjunct treatment for Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder ( PTSD ) symptoms .

I reviewed five recent studies ( 2013 Bonn-Miller et al ; 2014 Roitman et al ; 2014 Greer et al ; 2015 Wilkinson et al ; 2016 Tull et al ). In addition , a study completed by Dr . Sue Sisley and the Scottsdale Research Institute consisted of a triple-blind study using flower with various consistencies of THC and CBD . Patients used up to 1.8 grams per day and were evaluated by a third party . Dr . Sisley stated , “ Unlike big pharma , where they selectively suppress data that doesn ’ t make their study drug more favorable , we put in all the good and the bad … for the public to scrutinize .” Needless to say , cannabis use for many medical conditions deserves unbiased studies similar to the one performed by Dr . Sisley and the Scottsdale Research Institute .
Most evidence suggests that the therapeutic use of cannabis can significantly improve the quality of life for both those individuals who have PTSD and their families . Medical cannabis is not a cure but does provide adjunct treatment for many of the debilitating symptoms associated with PTSD , including :
● Anxiety – One of the most common afflictions associated with PTSD is chronic anxiety . Cannabis with higher levels of CBD has been shown to reduce stress and fight anxiety feelings , and it provides mood enhancing abilities .
● Nightmares – Typically , individuals with PTSD experience nightmares that can be an intense side effect of PTSD . Cannabis can reduce REM ( rapid eye movement ) sleep , which is the stage where the most vivid dreams occur .
● Insomnia – Oftentimes , PTSD individuals experience flashbacks , nightmares , and anxiety that significantly contribute to insomnia and find it very difficult to fall asleep . Typically , even those individuals who are able to attain some level of sleep are sometimes awakened by varying degrees of intense nightmares caused by PTSD . Cannabis has been shown to both reduce the amount of time it takes to fall asleep and improve the overall quality of sleep , thus contributing to individuals coping with insomnia . Traditional medical treatment for individuals with PTSD includes selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors , however ; these drugs may increase symptoms of depression and anxiety .
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Additionally , pharmacological agents that are used to treat PTSD symptoms often cause disorientation and lethargy and can produce suicidal thoughts and behaviors . This is not to say that cannabis used to treat PTSD symptoms is devoid of side effects . A growing concern among veterans and other individuals who have been diagnosed with PTSD is Cannabis Use Disorder ( CUD ). The awareness and concern for developing CUD , especially in a patient population in which substance abuse and addiction is common , requires awareness and open discussion with your treating physician . Patients must use any medication responsibly !
Many times , we are asked , “ What is the best strain of marijuana for PTSD ?” There is no easy answer ; however , anecdotally , there are numerous strain options available that help an individual alleviate their PTSD symptoms . Before choosing one strain over another , it is important to understand the difference between strains high in THC and those that are CBD dominant .
In general , high CBD strains provide mood-stabilizing effects , advantageous for treating anxiety , stress , or PTSD symptoms . Those strains with large amounts of THC are generally more effective in the evening or at night and help provide a restful night ’ s sleep . Another factor that should be considered is the terpenes , which , without getting bogged down into too much information , are a large class of organic compounds produced by a variety of plants that are instrumental to the physiological and psychoactive effects of cannabis . In fact , this topic ( terpenes ) has been well discussed by contributing authors in The EVOLUTION Magazine previously .
With that in mind , there are five strains that are known to offer benefits for patients with PTSD .
( Please note , depending on the cultivator , Missouri brand names for strain names can vary . This information is intended to get you started with a basic understanding of strains and potential benefits . Ask your budtender for similar strains assistance .)
OG Kush ( hybrid ) – This produces a pleasant euphoric effect . It is a very good strain for PTSD patients , as it calms your entire body making for a relaxing evening at home . It does have a high THC content , usually between 20 % - 24 %, as well as a low CBD ratio , generally around 0.2 %.
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