The Evolution Magazine JULY 2024 | Page 13

Child Custody and Visitation
In cases involving child custody disputes , a parent ’ s cannabis consumption may become a point of contention . Courts typically consider the best interests of the child when making custody determinations . While cannabis use alone may not automatically disqualify a parent from obtaining custody or visitation rights , factors such as the frequency of use , the presence of minors during consumption , and any associated legal issues can influence court decisions .
Child Welfare Concerns
Missouri ’ s child welfare system is tasked with ensuring the safety and well-being of children in the state . Cases involving allegations of parental neglect or substance abuse , including cannabis use , may prompt investigations by child protective services . Parents who are cannabis consumers should be aware of their rights during these investigations and seek legal counsel if necessary .
Employment Protections
For parents who consume cannabis for medicinal purposes , employment protections are also a crucial consideration . While Amendment 3 legalized cannabis in Missouri , it did not mandate employment protections for consumers or medical cannabis patients . As a result , employers in Missouri maintain the right to enforce drugfree workplace policies , which may include testing for cannabis .
In addition to understanding their rights as parents , cannabis consumers in Missouri must also adhere to state regulations governing the use , possession , and cultivation of cannabis . As Missouri embraces the legalization of adult-use cannabis , parents face new challenges in safeguarding their children and communities . By understanding the key laws and regulations surrounding cannabis , parents can take proactive steps to promote responsible use , prevent underage consumption , and mitigate potential risks . Through education , communication , and adherence to state laws , parents can navigate the evolving landscape of cannabis legalization in Missouri with confidence and responsibility .
Missouri Cannabis Possession Limits
Consumer ( adult use ) Purchase and Possession Limit
● A consumer may purchase up to three ( 3 ) ounces in a single transaction , and be lawfully in possession of up to three ( 3 ) ounces of dried , processed marijuana or its equivalent .
Patient / Caregiver Purchase and Possession Limit
● State approved Patient ID card holder or a Caregiver ID card holder on behalf of a licensed patient may purchase up to six ( 6 ) ounces of dried , processed marijuana or its equivalent within a 30-day period , unless a physician or nurse practitioner certifies the patient for a greater amount . A patient ID card holder or caregiver ID card holder on behalf of a licensed patient may be in possession of up to a 60-day supply ( 12 ounces , unless the patient has a physician or nurse practitioner certification authorizing more than six ounces in 30 days ).
Learn more about possession limits at https :// health . mo . gov / safety / cannabis / faqs-patient . php # limits .
Medical decisions should not be made based on advertising . Consult a physician on the benefits and risks of particular medical marijuana products .
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