The EVOLUTION Magazine April 2024 | Page 26

Wellness ►

Show Your Butthole !

Not to Me , But The SUN ! by Tara Holm , contributing writer

Well , drop your drawers and let the sunshine where the sun doesn ’ t shine ! Can ’ t get outside or have enough privacy ? A red light will do . Red light ? Yes , let ’ s chat about light therapy and how you see it these days all over the internet . NASA experiments with red light to promote plant growth in space and help heal wounds in astronauts . Further studies show evidence of all its positive effects on the human body .

Want to :
● Regulate Sleep ?
● Increase Libido ?
● Boost Mood ?
● Attract Positivity and Success ?
● Enhance Longevity and Stamina ?
● Spark Creativity ?
● Cleanse genitals of bad energy or germs ?
Red light therapies have come a long way , but do they really work ? Clinical studies show that , yes , red light box therapies have certain healing capabilities and medical applications , thanks to the way they positively affect the human endocrine and immune systems . Red Light Therapy is used for dental pain , hair loss , and skin damage .
What ’ s the best device out there ? When searching for an LED , look for 600-900 nanometers of light . Choose one easy to use or wear . You can pick from a face mask , block lights , or full mats to lay on . Consulting a dermatologist can also confirm whether in-office or at-home LED light therapy is a good treatment option for your needs .
For us 70s and 80s kids , sunscreen wasn ’ t a top priority . During the early 90s , we were fed news that the sun was bad . Don ’ t you dare go outside without sunscreen all over your body . Studies show long exposure to the sun can cause some medical problems and skin damage , but we all still need some of that good vitamin D !
We should all be protecting our bodies and face with some SPF . Studies show that watching the sun rise and getting that first 5-10 minutes of good UVA rays will help boost our immune system ! Serotonin Boost ! Sunlight triggers serotonin release , enhancing mood and well-being .
Vitamin D : Natural sunlight helps your body produce vitamin D , which is crucial for immune and bone health .
Alertness : Morning sunlight also boosts cognitive performance and focus . So , get up and fulfill your body ’ s needs with a free sunrise !
Red-light Therapy : Red Light Therapy ( LED ) can treat skin conditions and concerns , such as acne , fine lines , and psoriasis ( a condition in which skin cells build up and form scales and itchy , dry patches ). By emitting red low-light wavelengths through the skin , red light therapy may naturally jump-start the process of tissue recovery and other forms of rejuvenation . It ’ s believed to work in such ways as increasing blood flow and stimulating collagen production .
And yes , show your Butthole that light !
Perineum sunning ( aka Butthole sunning ) is an ancient Taoist practice that originated in the Far East . In Taoism , the perineum or Hui Yin is called the “ Gateway of Life and Death .” This is a gateway where energy enters and exits the body . This area of your body hosts blood vessels and nerves that provide sensation and nutrition to the
26 April 2024