The Emerald Newsletter | Kappa Delta Chi Sorority Winter 2015 | страница 18

Building A Legacy

...creating a History

Some legacies aren't destined to move in a

single direction. In fact one legacy line has the potential of going up, down, left right and maybe a few steps in between.

With a sister, daughter and possibly mother (Whaaat?!) looking into joining KDChi, Rosa's legacy looks like a KDChi road map to success.

The Emerald: How did the legacy tradition start?

Rosa: I’m a first generation KDChi. But I’m not the only Greek. My brother and myself were both going through our process together, at the same time, and we didn’t know it until the end haha (He’s an ODPhi). My sister is about to attend TAMU-San Antonio and she’s expressed interest in starting a chapter if it’s possible. She’s attending St. Phillips college and had asked me if she could start a chapter there, but it isn’t possible because it is a 2-year community college :( I’m excited for her to actually start getting involved! My mom is actually a graduate student at Our Lady of the Lake in San Antonio and she recently started asking me how the KDChi Graduate Program works. She’s emailed the chapter and member educator just last week, I’m hoping she follows through and becomes a sister. I have my 7 month old daughter whom I’m hoping to introduce to the Greek World at the end of the semester once presentations are underway.

TE: How does if feel to have a younger daughter/sister (and mom!) that you could possibly share this wonderful sisterhood with?

Rosa: It feels so exciting to potentially have, not only my sister, but my mother join this amazing sisterhood. I’ve talked to them about it, the feeling you get with having this connection with a sister you’ve met for the first time. I explain to them that all of us sisters are connected to each other even though we’ve never met the majority of them. And the fact that I have a daughter that I can introduce to the sisterhood right now feels fulfilling, it feels natural.

TE: Have you taken them to events?

Rosa: I’ve taken my sisters to presentations and Greek showcases and she’s fallen in love with the Greek Community! My mom went to see my presentation after I was initiated and said it was something different but she was intrigued. I haven’t taken my daughter to any. I’m hoping to take her to her first even in a couple of months.

TE: Any other stories?

Rosa: My chapter sisters loved that I incorporated KDChi (and hubby’s ODPhi) letters in our pregnancy announcement. She’s destined for the Greek world :D

Rosa A Hernandez - Alpha Iota

Samantha - sister ; Rachel - mom

Carissa - daughter

Andrea Oseguera is jumping at the bit to start a legacy! With two little sisters looking up

to her, she would love to share the amazing sisterhood with her biological sisters.

KDChi has provided me with experiences and a support network that is priceless to me. They have a lot to offer to the sisterhood, just as it has a lot to offer to them!

The Emerald: How did the legacy tradition start?

Lauren: It started out with my older sister Erin, she was initiated at Delta, she wanted to get more involved with the university so she attended a KDChi informational.

TE: Did it take some convincing?

Lauren: No. She never had to convince me even though I went to a different school. She actually encouraged me to look around at other organizations and I did! But nothing compared to KDChi.

TE: How did the family react?

Lauren: The family LOVED that Erin had joined, but when I decided to join, my parents were very hesitant. I remember them saying that I didn’t need to join a sorority because I was already a very social person. Unlike my older sister who is very quiet, they felt it was good for her. Little did they know, I didn’t join for the social, I wanted the leadership and community service aspect!

TE: Any funny/great/inspiring stories?

Lauren: Before I became a sister, my sister and my cousin would come home for a weekend, we would go hide away in my sister’s room and they would start strolling for me! I absolutely loved it! It was something I wish I knew how to do, and I wish I was allowed to do. I also rememeber them starting to discuss “KDChi” stuff then they would stop or ask me to cover my ears! I remember my sister always being very exculsive about everything. She would always tell me that she didn’t want me to know much about the process because if I ever did it, she wanted it to be meaningful. I appreciate her keeping the process and everything about KDChi, secretive because I enjoyed every minute of my process.

TE: How does it feel to have so many legacies in the family?

Lauren: How does that feel? Having four Parra women be KDChi is AMAZING!! We feel a true connection and bond because we are able to relate and talk about this amazing sisterhood. We all hope that our future daughters will be able to join the amazing sisterhood we are a part of!