Continued from page 15
Did your mom ever promote KDChi to you or was it ingrained in you from the start?
My mother is very supportive of anything I do. She would promote kdchi to me but she also supported me if I chose to not be a KDChi sister. It was great having someone here for you who started KDChi and knows all about it.
How exciting is it to know your mom worked with the three other women to form this sisterhood?
Oh it is extremely exciting! Especially since I am close to the other women she created this
sorority with. They are each like a mother figure to me and I'm go glad they started this amazing sorority.
Was she there at your pinning and how did you feel when you became a sister?
She was actually there at my pinning. It was the cutest story, Ihad no idea she would be there. I had asked her earlier in the day to come but she told me she was busy. It turns out, she got in contact with my sisters and told them she was going to make it and
she needed directions. My sisters helped her out and before we went into the pinning room, they kept asking about my mom to where I responded that she was unable to make it. WELL, when I walked in and saw her, my heart dropped. I instantly started crying which caused some girls in the room to also cry. It was beautiful, I'm so glad she attends all my functions.
What about KDChi most surprised you when you joined?
What most surprised me was the amount of service work we do! I knew that KDChi is a service based sorority but I was unsure of exactly how much until I joined. I love it though because i am so glad we get to give back to our community and help others.
What have you learned about the sisterhood that your mom founded that has changed you?
I have learned how to appreciate the small things more. After doing so much service it's amazing to see
how we can really impact the lives of others. Just a simple smile or
thank you from them can brighten up our day.
How amazing does it feel to share not only the mother-daughter bond with her, but also the KDChi sister bond?
It feels amazing knowing that in addition to the mother/daughter bond, we share an extra bond through KDChi. We are mother/daughter/sisters who share many experiences that unite us through our values and experiences.
In what ways are you and your mom alike and in what ways are you different?
Let's start with the differences because there are more of those. My mother and I are so very different. She loves just sitting, grabbing a snack and watching lifetime while I am always on the go. I love to workout and have my days very planned out. My mother is also not a big fan of animals or being outdoors, whereas I love anything with fur on it and my favorite hobby is hunting. I guess this is where I take after my father! But my mother and I are very alike in personality, we're both bubbly, outgoing and positive.
What do you think your mom was like in college?
Given that my mother portrays this good girl image of herself in college, I'll go with that. I don't think she was rowdy or crazy at all (I could be wrong). I also believe she was a confident go getter and very ambitious.
Continued on page 17
Building A Legacy
...creating a History