The Emerald Newsletter | Kappa Delta Chi Sorority The Emerald Fall 2019 | Page 8
Position(s) held: District 12 Chair, NAA Getaway/National Conference Marketing
KDChi means a second family to me.
Initiation: Texas State University, Omicron Chapter, Fall 2012, Alpha Gamma Class
It's a safe place that I had in college
and it continues to be a safe place for
Day Job: Pre Kinder Co-Teacher
me to go to as an alumna as well. The
sisters I have met have taught me so
Hope to accomplish: I wish sisters that attend regional conference will be able to co
much and I wouldn't be where I'm at
together to learn from each other, to have fun, to strengthen their bond within their
now without them.
region and to keep learning how to grow and maintain the sisterhood.
Elisabeth Lopez
Position(s) held: Charter Member Education, District/Regional Chair
Initiation: University of New Mexico, Alpha Omicron, Eta Class, Fall 2010
To continue serving in the leadership,
I wanted to give back to the
Day Job: Law Student at St. Mary's University organization that has continued to
Hope to accomplish: I am looking forward to helping sisters gain an interest in help me grow as an individual in so
many ways.
becoming part of the National Leadership as well as continuing a smooth process to
apply for Leadership positions and National committees.
Mozelle Moreno
Position(s) held: Service & Academics
Initiation: Our Lady of the Lake University, Beta Gamma Chapter, Alpha Class, Fall 2012
Day Job: Grant Administrator
Hope to accomplish: I am hoping to connect with with the undergrads and work together in empowering
sisters to succeed academically and in doing effective Service projects in their communities.
Jessica Mejia
Felicia Adams Fernandez Christina Doncell