The Emerald Newsletter | Kappa Delta Chi Sorority The Emerald Fall 2019 | Page 7
Position(s) held: Alumnae Chapter Treasurer & Secretary
Initiation: University of Texas at El Paso, Gamma Chapter, Eta Class Spring '16
KDChi means a safe space for
Day Job: Organizational Systems and Recruitment Specialist
me to fully express myself as an
individual within a network of
Hope to accomplish: I hope to begin planning a conference which supports and
strong, like-minded and goal-
fosters collaboration, sisterhood, and leadership in all of our undergraduate and
oriented women. In short, it
means I am home.
alumnae sisters that attend. Also to increase accessibility for sisters to attend our next
national conference, and create new memories and connections within the sisterhood!
Brianna Trejo
KDChi means a strong
sisterhood where you never
feel alone. A sisterhood that
builds you up while teaching
you. It truly is not just four
years but for life!
Position(s) held: Conference Marketing Director, Communications, VP of Public Affairs
Initiation: New Mexico State University, Iota Chapter, Spring 2014
Day Job: Creative Designer
Hope to accomplish: Keeping the KDChi brand strong while encouraging the creativity
of chapters across the nation.
Alicia Bustillos
I've been part of Kappa Delta Chi my
entire undergraduate years and I love
Position(s) held: BOD Active At-Large, Volunteer Manager what this organization can do for others.
Initiation: University of Texas at Dallas, Beta Zeta Chapter, Spring 2013 Leadership so that I can work alognside
It motivated me to serve in National
women that love Kappa Delta Chi as
Day Job: Sensory/Cognitive Coach for children with learning disabilities
much as me and help make this
organization the best that it can be.
Alba Ramirez
Position(s) held: Membership Recruitment
KDChi means being surrounded by strong,
passionate, and confident women who
challenge me to grow as a leader and as an
individual. KDChi taught me what it means
to be a part of something bigger than myself
and showed me the importance of not only
participating in philanthropy, but the
importance of wanting to help others.
Andrea Conti
Initiation: Arizona State University, Lambda Chapter, Fall 2014
Day Job: Project Coordinator
Hope to accomplish: I am looking forward to fostering a more collaborative relationship
with our undergraduate sisters to create virtual recruitment workshops and recruitment
resources. Overall, I am excited to keep meeting with chapters and colonies who may be
struggling or would like the extra help to create recruitment plans.
Position(s) held: Risk Management
KDChi means sisterhood,
Initiation: New Mexico State University, Iota, Alpha Phi, Fall 2016
networking opportunities,
Day Job: Behavioral Technician
and building long lasting
Hope to accomplish: More risk management opportunities
Dajana Harkness