The Emerald Newsletter | Kappa Delta Chi Sorority The Emerald Fall 2019 | Page 29
Hello, sisters!
My name is Jozie and I was recently initiated to
the Alpha Alpha chapter at Wichita State
University. On campus I also serve as the Student
Advocate within our Student Government
Association. As Student Advocate I work/peer
mentor other students here at WSU and help them
navigate really any difficult situation they may be
facing here at WSU. A lot of the time this
includes me working with them on applying for
appeals, accompanying them through conflict
with professors or departments, and reporting
things like discrimination or sexual assault. As
Student Advocate I get to serve as a resource,
support, and helping hand to other students,
which means bringing all our values with me to
work every day. Empowerment is basically the
driving force behind what I do, and that’s why I
love representing KDChi in this position!