The Elephant Express October 2013 | Page 13

Hardin No. 33


Hello from Hardin!

Since our last newsletter, Hardin #33 installed a new line of officers with Katie McCleary as Worthy Advisor. We were fortunate to move our new members into the bow at our first meeting. Katie’s term service project is a community clinic. Her theme is Celtic.

What a wonderful Grand 2013! Laura’s term was truly meaningful to so many of our Masonic family members. It was an honor to support both Laura and our troops! We were immensely proud and to initiate Alice Cai, Lisa Cai, and Telia Tevino.

Immediately following Grand, Hardin began building a float with the theme ‘Linking Rainbow Girls Across our Globe.’ Our Rainbow Globe featured all of the countries with Rainbow Assemblies and the girls enjoyed wearing their 1870s ball gowns as they paraded through Hardin in the Little Big Horn Days parade.

Following the LBH parade, the girls volunteered to act as caretakers of the cars at the Lamborghini car show in Hardin. Visitors were thrilled to see such confident young women in their ball gowns serving their community.

Beginning in the fourth week of June, the girls served ice cream at the Hardin KOA through September 1st. At the end of the season, the girls invited the Eastern Stars and Masons to join them for an Ice Cream Social. We had more than fifty folks in attendance and presented a special thank you to the owners of the KOA.

In July, the girls volunteered at the Hardin All Class Reunion, serving cookies and punch and welcoming visitors. They enjoyed hearing from so many past Rainbow girls and their Rainbow memories!

Despite busy schedules (including cheerleading, golf, volleyball, swimming, college, 4-H, band, choir, church, school, and work) we managed to have our first meeting! It was a special day to welcome our new members and give them a tour of our Masonic Hall.

Our winter initiation is slated for October 13th. We are elated and excited to welcome new girls into our little family. On October 19th, the girls will hold a cancer awareness walk with the proceeds going to the Big Horn County Memorial Hospital and the Messengers for Health Program. We offer an open invitation to anyone interested in attending either of these events.