The Egypt Scroll The Egypt Scroll | Page 11

Since Morsi's ousting, the Christian community has been in great danger. Hundreds of churches have been burned by Islamic terrorists. Fights flood the streets and bombs are placed in the cars of innocent Christian civilians. The Muslim Brotherhood harrasses

think within the same intense ways. Some Islamists have been blaming the Christians for Morsi's removal because of the gigantic street protests that they believe lead to his ousting.

Christians daily because of the anger that rages within them for the removal of their leader. They find it not fair that Morsi was removed by the military although he was elected to be president.

Terror arises in the Christians as they try to find safety within the chaos. Christians of all ages are killed for no reason and none of them are safe from the danger of the Brotherhood. The killings are not stopping for now, but the military is working on ceasing it. (Fox News, 2013)


Bohn, L. E. (2013, August 26). Egypt's Christians Caught in Cross Fire. Retrieved March 05, 2014, from

Deadly Attack on Coptic Christians in Egypt Draws Condemnation. (2013, October 21). Retrieved March 07, 2014, from