The Edmonton Muse November 2019 | Page 22

In Search of rebellious TRuth

by Selena Arcand

A designer who is very new to the Edmonton fashion scene is the remarkable Treasa Webb. Her brand is called rebellious TRuth, and her debut collection is edgy with very flattering silhouettes. She recently graduated from MC College in the 2018-19 class. She showed her collection in the year-end New Designers Showcase, and at Vancouver Fall Fashion Week in October! How amazing is that? Here are some questions to get to know this awesome designer a little better.

Muse: Why did you decide on fashion designing?

Treasa: “I have always had a love for creativity and design in fashion. From when I was a little girl, I would spend time imagining different looks, dressing up in my older sisters clothing, looking at magazines. Then, later in life I had a chance to return to school. I decided to follow a dream that I had, so I enrolled in design school in 2018-19 as an adult student.”

Muse: What are you inspired by? Tell me your design process.

Treasa “It's hard to say that it's one thing in particular, I feel that it's the world around me that inspires me. I love to travel and I draw inspiration from that. I have found a new appreciation for art. I am sometimes drawn to nature and interesting patterns and textures. It can come from movies or tv, recently I have found some inspiration from an old tv show I used to watch, Three’s Company. Love their fashion! I will start my process by finding that inspiration, then I will create a mood board. Then I start sketching, re-sketching and playing around with different ideas. Eventually the ideas get more detailed, where I start to think about how the piece would actually be sewn together etc”

Muse: What does fashion mean to you?

Treasa: “Fashion for me is creativity, an expression of who you are. But I feel that it is unique to everyone--it can be many things--classic, retro, funk, art, vintage, vogue.”

Muse: Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

Treasa: “I have found out that I love the design process, I love finding my inspiration, sketching it out, and trying to make it! So, I would love to have a small studio space to be able to continue to work as a designer, and to be able to sell my pieces to boutiques.”

Muse: How would you describe your personal style?

Treasa: “I feel like my personal style is similar to my brand, a little rockerish, a color palette of monotone with a touch of color, not too girly, a little rebellious, always with a bit of edginess. You will often find me in a dress paired with a leather jacket.”

Photo credits:Ron Palmer

Marni Walker

Sam Pratoomporn