The Edmonton Muse April 2018 | Page 13

Do the human emotions of fear, self-doubt and inadequacy creep up more than you would like to admit? Does your fear of failure or lack of self-confidence hold you back from pursuing your dreams?

These feelings can be difficult to supress when they arise. They can easily overwhelm us, especially if we have taken a step into something new and unfamiliar. But these emotions are exactly that – human.

Amidst these emotions, here’s what you need to know:

You are capable of taking control of your life, and you are capable of taking control of your self - confidence.

If you need a pick-me- up, here are 6 things you can do to boost your self-confidence. One may work for you over another, and some work even better hand in hand.

1. Act positive. You may have heard the phrase, “Fake it ‘till you make it.” It’s simply another habit you need to create. When you start acting positive regularly, it becomes a habit, and overall, you’ll become a more positive person.

2. Stand tall. Improve your posture. Sit or stand with your back straight, don’t slouch, walk forward with your chin up and strut your stuff! This is a small action which others will notice, too. Body language speaks volumes. What does your body language say about you?

3. Dress nicely. You don’t need to wear expensive clothes to look put-together. It also doesn’t mean you need to wear a pencil-skirt or a suit and tie every day. All it takes is your fresh laundry, a matching pair of socks, or an unwrinkled shirt to raise your confidence. Cleaning your shoes can also add an extra bounce in your stride!

4. Get a haircut. Whether it’s getting a trim or a radical new hairstyle or hair color, there’s nothing like a new “do” that can add a spring to your step!

5. Get active. Go for a walk, a run, do yoga, or head to the gym with a friend or two. Get your body moving and release those endorphins.

6. Smile. As small as this action is, it’s also a part of your body language. Smile at someone you walk past on the street. Smile at your waiter or waitress when you’re dining out. Smile more with your friends, family, your loved ones, and even strangers. You will be surprised at how many smiles you get in return.

Do you have any tips on boosting your self-confidence? Try a few – or all of them if you like – and add afew of your own. Share them with us and let us know how you did this month!