The East Community Guide - Gainesville, FL The East July 2017 | Page 5
"Sometimes, it is [harder] to swallow the truth from someone you consider a close
confidant than a stranger, " It is an unexplainable oddity the way that we want to confide
and spill all our problems to our loves, yet we cannot accept their advice when it doesn't
quite line up with our plan." We understand that many may struggle with this though.
"Taking a step back and looking at things from a different perspective is helpful when
trying to deal with constructive criticism in a relationship.
5. Be intimate
The feeling of being close with your significant other trumps all. Intimacy in your
relationship will not be comparable to any other situation you've ever been in. It's a
chance for you to see a deeper side of your significant other. "Intimacy in sex and in
relating emotionally are fundamental to a good relationship. "If the sex isn't great at first,
you can make it better by being sensitive and open, and telling your partner what you
like and don't like. The connection of being intimate is like no other feeling. Sometimes,
words don't do justice for how much you love someone. Show them so well that you
don't have to tell them. "Intimacy is the unique language a person uses with his or her
significant other. "It can be silly at times. It can be deeply passionate and intense. And
at other times, it is calm yet extremely comforting. It's much more than what people think
it is. It's truly getting to know a person deeper than the surface. No one can duplicate it,
replicate it or imitate it.
6. Allow them to have "me time"
Sometimes, people need their space. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you are mad
at one another, but maybe you should take a night to hang out with your friends. Be
amazing as an individual so you can be even better together. "One of the most frequent
complaints that guys have is that their girlfriend insists upon being together all the time
and doesn't allow them to be with the boys.” Both of you need 'me time' in order to have
a more exciting 'together time.'" Even though the guys may feel this way, you need your
personal time too! After a long week of work, you may not want to stay in the house and
have a movie night. You may want to throw on that black fitted dress and head to the
bar with your girls.
"It is never okay to cage anyone in for the sake of your own insecurities." Having friends
outside of the relationship is healthy. "Personal time and time with friends is super
important," "You don't want to be the person who is super obsessed with their
significant other and can't function without them. It's always good to stay connected with
your crew, whether you're in a relationship or not." Keep a balance between the time
you spend with your significant other and your friends!
7. Trust each other
Trust can be very shaky in relationships. Understand that there are going to be ups and
downs from time to time, but always try to work through them. We’re all human. "It's
often harder for girls to trust guys because you know what other girls are capable of
when they want to steal your guy.” But, it's important to give your partner the benefit of
the doubt and trust them. Even then, give them an opportunity to explain." Sometimes,
we have to learn to hear the truth no matter how it may make us feel. Be open to listen,
respond with care and grow in your experiences. Trust should be the building block that
your relationship builds upon. "If you can't trust your partner, it can be really hard to
build the confidence you need to sustain the relationship. Distrust also leads to jealousy,
arguments and a whole list of complications. Be honest, open and communicate
effectively to develop a great level of trust amongst one another. Learn to forgive and
move on, and remember that in order to trust your significant other you have to trust
yourself. Relationships take a lot of patience, dedication and pure love.