The East Community Guide - Gainesville, FL Monthly | Page 13

1 .
2 cups almonds
2 .
1 / 2 cup pistachios , shells removed
3 .
1 / 2 cup unsweetened coconut flakes
4 .
1 / 3 cup pumpkin seeds ( opt )
5 .
1 / 4 cup coconut oil , melted
6 .
1 / 4 cup honey
7 .
2 tbsp almond butter
8 .
1 / 2 tsp salt
9 .
1 / 2 tsp vanilla extract
10 . 1 / 2 cup dried cherries , chopped
1 . Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F . Prepare an 8x8-inch baking pan with parchment paper . Place the almonds , pistachios , coconut flakes , and pepitas in a food processor and blend to break down into smaller pieces . 2 . Whisk together the coconut oil , honey , almond butter , salt , and vanilla in a large bowl . Add in the almond mixture and dried cherries . Stir well to evenly coat . 3 . Transfer the granola to the prepared baking pan and press into a flat , even layer . Bake for 25-30 minutes until golden brown . Let cool completely , 1-2 hours , before cutting into bars . Store in the refrigerator . Servings : 10-12 bars , Easy