The Eagle Volume 1, Issue 2 | Page 6

Give a Life... Love

Ghadeer Shnawa

We all have problems; some of us have family issues, some have social issues, and others have medical issues. We do not, however, understand that no matter what is troubling us at a particular moment, and no matter what is keeping us up at night staring at the ceiling or the window, or counting sheep, it is not half as bad as some unluckier ones' troubles. For at least, at the end of the day, we have somewhere we call “home”, whether a tent, a room, an apartment or a castle. At least, we have someone who is ready to give us a hug when we are feeling like a single plant in the eye of a storm, attacked by thunder and lightning.

“True happiness comes from a sense of inner peace and contentment, which in turn must be achieved through the cultivation of altruism, of love and compassion and elimination of ignorance, selfishness and greed.” Dalai Lama

"They are the ones who have dealt with the pain of being left alone in this wide universe to be looked upon with love only by the stars."

Unfortunately those hapless ones are frighteningly increasing in number in our society. They are the ones who have dealt with the pain of being left alone in this wide universe to be looked upon with love only by the stars. They are warmly smiled at by the sun alone, and sometimes, strangers with souls kind enough will donate something; a penny, a warm hug, or a meal that might silence the roaring in their stomachs. Even sadder is the fact that most of the aforementioned have not even parents to seek solace from.

Therefore, this year, on the 21st of November, let us choose to stand up and lend a helping hand to our own people. This year, on National Adoption day, let that generosity find its root and flourish

by the sun alone, and sometimes, strangers with souls kind enough will donate something; a penny, a warm hug, or a meal that might silence the roaring in their stomachs. Even sadder is the fact that most of the aforementioned have not even parents to seek solace .

Therefore, this year, on the 21st of November, let us choose to stand up and lend a helping hand to our own people. This year, on National Adoption day, let that generosity find its root and flourish