The Eagle Press October Issue | Page 5

THE EAGLE PRESS uighurs: a brutual crackdown happening in eerie silence All humans are created equal. A phrase that has been reverberated through generations and generations of human rights activists before us . As global - minded individuals , we are always making sure to advocate for issues of utmost concern on social media in an attempt to raise awareness as well . Recently , the Hong Kong protests about human rights have been materializing in the news with extensive coverage . However , an even menacing issue that began last year , has been hiding in the shadows of other human rights crisis ’.  In the Xinjiang region , an area majorly populated by Uighurs , the calls to prayer from mosques have plunged into eternal silence . Uighurs are mostly ethnic Turkic Muslims who speak a language that is quite similar to Turkish . Most of them had settled in the Xinjiang region but felt that their culture was under threat from the mass influx of Han Chinese ( China ’ s ethnic majority ) who were looking for economic opportunities . The Xinjiang region did have a history of extremism and some terror attacks which were committed by the Uighurs , which led the Chinese government to attempt and mend the situation . In order to begin the healing process , the Chinese government decided to forcefully detain about a million Uighurs and send them to internment camps .   Late in August of 2018 , a UN committee had said that there was credible evidence that a million Uighurs were illegally detained into these internment camps . Upon questioning , China said that they were simply ‘ vocational ’ camps designed to transform the thoughts of people in order to combat terrorism and extremism . China has a history of censorship , especially of grim events such as the 1989 Tiananmen Square Protests . If you would go around the Xinjiang region and ask any of the inhabitants about what was happening in these camps , they would say exactly the same phrase as the Chinese government . “ There are tens of thousands of people there now . They have some problems with their thoughts ”. “ It ' s a re - education school .” These are some of the people the BBC called and asked about the situation . Human rights groups have made claims that in these camps , no re - education of any sort actually takes place . Instead , atrocities are committed by compelling these Uighurs to renounce their faith , swear loyalty to China and Xi Jinping , all accompanied by hostile prejudice . MARCH 2020