The Eagle Press October Issue | Page 10

Q: Advice on how to deal with breakups? Ellie: Break ups are tough, there’s no denying it. And I wish there were some formula to calculate how long it’ll take to get over your ex and what you need to do to get there, but there’s not. I think you need to let yourself feel your emotions first. Whether it’s anger, sadness, regret, fully emerge yourself in that emotion and let it out. If you push those feelings down, more often than not they’ll just come back later on. Secondly, keep yourself busy. Take up a new hobby, throw yourself into school, start some projects, go out every weekend. After you’ve gone through the initial “mourning” phase, you should try find the things that will make you happy again. Learn how to enjoy life without your ex. Plus, if you’re constantly doing things you have less time to reminisce and be sad. This goes into my third  point- focus on your friendships. Your friends are going to become your rocks in this time. There’ll be there for you when you need to cry and grieve, but they’ll also be the ones who will cheer you up afterwards. Do not push them away, a breakup isn’t something you should be dealing with alone. If you have great friends who are going to be there for you, take advantage of that. Finally, remember this healing isn’t linear. Generally, you’ll start off feeling all the emotions, then you’ll start to have fun with your friends and you’ll slowly feel fine again. However, there will be days or weeks when you feel very low, even if you thought you were mostly over it. This is normal, getting over a breakup is a rollercoaster. It’s just important to take the time you need to feel what you feel, and when you’re ready (or tired of crying every night) start rediscovering how to enjoy being single with your amazing friends. It might feel like hell right now- the person who made you happiest is gone and that sucks. But it WILL get better, I promise. You’ll be okay. If you have any questions or want to talk more, just ask me and I’d be happy to help. I know I didn’t cover everything, and every breakup is unique depending on how it ended.  Ellie P x Q: Bro, how did you complete it? Zuhayr: If you know, you know