The Dream Box_March 2018 Edition_Theme_Artists Today March Edition_v1.1 | Page 8

THOUGHT FOR YOUR SOUL Alas! It was too good to be real. Suddenly something struck his mind and he paced his way towards the adjacent room. His face wore a vivid anticipation until he had made his way to the wooden almirah. The doors squeaked and creaked before he found his way to the lower shelf. He had found the photo album that both the father and the son admired the most. Even the largest treasure chest would have meant nothing, for it had captured the most cherished moments of their lives. As he picked it up to shrug the dust off it, an envelope found its way to the floor. He carefully placed the album aside on the chair and picked up the envelope. The prelude read, “To my dearest son, on becoming a doctor.” The emotions that wrenched him as he pulled out the letter were only meant for the brave-hearts. With mixed sentiments of joy and grief, he recollected all his sanity to sit down and hear his father speak albeit through words. “My dear son, If you’re reading this letter, then you would have already become a doctor. You must be in the best of your attires today robed in the convocation gown. THE DREAM BOX I could only muster Rs. 3000. I hope it sufficed to fetch you the gentleman’s outfit. Forgive me son. Forgive me, for I have been crippled by my meagre earnings. Forgive me for all these years when you gulped your desires down the throat thinking in the best of the family’s interest. I knew it when you said that you never wanted a new pair of shoes even when your fingers peeped through the withered stitches. I knew it when you said that you weren’t hungry for lunch. My son, I had realized it long back that you’ve a levelled- head on your shoulders. I’m sorry; for I couldn’t give you the childhood you deserved, but trust me my boy an unenlightened man like me could only give you so much. You today stand a rebel who fought his way out of adversities to chase your dreams and made them come true. A man can only be grounded by your efforts. 8