The Dream Box - June Edition E-magazine June Edition_v1.0 | Page 8
What advice would you like to
give the people who’d like to
follow your footsteps?
The world is a vast place, just
explore the possibilities (and that
obviously without causing harm to
yourself or other beings!). You are
by yourself a splendid architecture
that god copied and put in practical
use from this theories. Even if you
don’t believe in god who can be
more fitting than having yourself to
be believed in? Always remember,
look at the approach and learn of
how people get to do what they
love and about how people truly
make their lives worth living, just
one life, worth a shot, a damn
golden one.
What’s your message to The
Dream Box?
Such a splendid work of helping
people with the ways rather the
goals themselves. The basic
concept of empathy which is so
tacitly explained from The Dream
Box’s questionnaire left me startled
and I felt really proud to be of
some help in a cause this great.