The Docket - February 2023 | Page 8


President ’ s


The Why in YLD

by Caroleen Brej , Esq . Bentley Goodrich Kison , P . A .
And just like that , we are already a month into the new year , and a jam-packed month it has been . 2023 has so much in store for the YLD !
Why Join the YLD ?
While many of us may know the who , what , where , and when of the YLD , you may not know the why – why should you get involved in the YLD ? Why should your associates get involved in the YLD ? The YLD is and does so much more than just plan swanky socials ! ( Which are not to be missed – did you check out the 360 photo booth at the Holiday Party ? Looking good everyone !)
Having been an active member of the SCBA YLD since 2016 , I have served on most , if not , all our committees and I can reliably say that the YLD is an opportunity that you and your new associates should take advantage of and will benefit from , now and in the future . Prior to relocating to Sarasota in 2013 and working as an assistant state attorney , I also was involved in the Port St . Lucie County Bar Association as a brand-new lawyer and made invaluable connections with the local judiciary and attorneys . For me , my involvement with bar associations has molded and shaped me and opened doors that I would not otherwise have known even existed . To say that my Bar service has been invaluable would be an understatement , professionally and personally .
Coming out of COVID , with the emphasis on virtual hearings and meetings , it is particularly important for new lawyers to join the YLD now , attend events , get involved on a committee , and one day consider serving in a leadership position .
I understand that service to the Bar can be a time commitment . However , there are a number of reasons why this investment is worth the time of your young associates . Primarily , involvement in a community organization like the YLD can help reduce turnover and encourage young lawyers to remain in Sarasota . According to the American Bar Association ( ABA ), law firms lost almost a quarter of their associates in 2021 . The report cited by the ABA indicated that firms could improve turnover rates by “ fostering social engagement and camaraderie .” The YLD is a perfect place for such camaraderie .
Besides reducing turnover , involvement in the YLD creates an opportunity for young lawyers to develop leadership skills in low stakes environments . These skills can then be transferred to the office , thereby improving your overall practice . Finally , having young lawyers out and about at YLD and SCBA events improves firm name recognition and reputation .
Please encourage your associates to sign up for the YLD and attend our next event , we would love to have them !