The Docket - February 2023 | Page 10


President ’ s



Venice Area Beautification , Inc .

by Erin Itts , Esq . Itts Law
We had a quiet January here in South County while we all settled into the new year , but now we are off and running . This month , in my effort to shine the spotlight on a fabulous person / group of people , business , or charity in South County so that we can all learn about and support the amazing people , businesses , and causes we have in South County , I shine the SPOTLIGHT ON : Venice Area Beautification , Inc . ( VABI ). Do you ever have the opportunity to come walk around downtown Venice ? Do you ever go walk Venetian Waterway Park ? Do you ever drive around the City of Venice and see the murals and statues ? If so , you are able to witness for yourself this town ’ s quaint streets and shops , beautiful waterways , trails , beaches , and art that make the town so desirable , but what is amazing is that the colorful flowers , planters , shrubs , murals , and statues seen throughout the Venice area ( some of which are pictured on the next page ) are not brought to you by tax dollars , but instead by the hard work and dedication of a group known as Venice Area Beautification , Inc .
VABI has been in Venice for 31 years and their goal is to enrich the quality of life for residents of the Venice community by creating and participating in enhancement projects throughout the greater Venice area . You can see their work in downtown Venice with their beautification projects which include the placement and care of flowers , hanging baskets , planters , and shrubs throughout the downtown area . As you walk the streets downtown , you can ’ t help but to look at and enjoy the gorgeous landscaping . Additionally , VABI works with the City of Venice and Sarasota County to also help maintain the Venice parks , trails , and beaches , and again , you can see their hard work by the aesthetics and cleanliness in those areas . An area of pride for VABI is their work in supporting the arts . VABI does this with their public murals , statues , and sculptures throughout the Venice area . VABI also assists with weeding , trimming , and grounds care at the Monty Andrews Arboretum which serves as an outdoor learning center and designated green space for trees and shrubs , as well as works with Venice Urban Forest which is restoring an abandoned railway site into a forest filled with native trees and serves as a habitat for wildlife . VABI also helps to care for and maintain Freedom Walk at Patriots Park which honors our nation ’ s heroes and commemorates 9 / 11 . Please don ’ t think that VABI is all work and no play . VABI participates in fun city events such as the holiday tree lighting and Christmas boat bash which is an evening of food , beverages , music , and fun accompanied by a view of beautifully lit and decorated boats on parade in the waters just off Venice .
There is rarely a week that goes by that I don ’ t see a VABI vehicle out watering plants , trimming , weeding , or checking on the artwork ,