THE DOCKET - February 2022 | Page 9

Brutal honesty will ease the suffering of one person , while it will upset and disrupt another in a similar situation . Listening deeply to the person in front of you and really caring can turn an interaction from one where everyone is suffering to one where everyone feels empowered .
The third face of love is equanimity . That face essentially means staying balanced , and not being possessive in relationships . As Thay puts it , “ True love allows you to preserve your freedom and the freedom of your beloved .” I think about this any time I feel the urge to control how someone acts , or how someone thinks about me . At the end of the day , controlling someone makes love a prison , rather than a lifeboat .
I recommend everyone read the entire work , which gives practices to become better at loving . I wish everyone success and joy in all of their relationships , from clients to children to best friends to partners , in this New Year . �
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Thich Nhat Hanh is a Vietnamese Buddhist Zen Master , poet , scholar , and peace activist , one of the most revered and influential spiritual teachers in the world today . Born in 1926 , he became a Zen Buddhist monk at the age of sixteen . During the Vietnam War , his work for peace and reconciliation moved Dr . Martin Luther King Jr . to nominate him for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1967 . He has written more than 100 books , which have sold millions of copies around the world .