THE DIRT Issue 2 | Page 26

BBB GRAZING SUPPORT • Field officers have carried out 219 p operty visits with BBB landholders. • 81% of participants at BBB grazier support events rate their satisfaction as ‘high’ or ‘very high’. • 135 BBB properties are engaged with the LDC project. • 90 projects are in place with BBB landholders and project partners to support local landholders to improve land condition and water quality. Bob Shepherd, DAF, pictured in middle wearing red shirt, has been a guest speaker at multiple LDC field days Veterinarian Ian Braithwaite has held several breeder management and pregnancy testing workshops at locations across the BBB. He is pictured with grazier Ness Allen. Checking pasture. Raymond Stacey, of Resource Consulting Services, was a headline speaker at the Taking Stock - Managing Patures and Productivity field day held at eetalaba which drew a large crowd from across the region. 26