28 - Triangle Academy
30 - Frank A. Sedita Academy
31 - Harriet Ross Tubman School
33 - Bilingual Center
37 - Futures Academy
39 - MLK Multicultural Institute
42 - Occupational Training Center
74 - Hamlin Park School
91 - Build Academy
94 - West Hertel Academy
95 - Waterfront Elementary
97 - Harvey Austin School
VoIP Converted Schools
Hanging up the Old Phone
Buffalo Public Schools is in the process of converting its buildings to a new Alcatel Lucent VoIP phone system. There are currently 12 schools that have migrated to the new VoIP phone system. Additional buildings will be converted to VoIP over this summer and fall after IT implements enhancements for e911, 4-digit dial and network survivability requested by our initial 12 school pilot.
There are significant infrastructure and fiscal advantages for a large school district like Buffalo Public Schools moving to a hosted VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) communication system.
The District can utilize its current physical data network to deploy phones and VoIP service to all District buildings. Hosted VoIP has the long term potential to be cost effective as well, because it’s often eligible for funding through the Federal e-Rate program.
Additionally, because it’s a cloud-based system, all call-routing equipment and software to house, manage, and maintain the phone system is administered off site by a local service provider. This will allow for faster and more flexible building telephone changes to accommodate our changing staff and building infrastructure.
Check out the BuffaloSchools VoIP webpage for the latest information on building telephone system conversion status, instructions for dialing between old (Nortel) and VOIP telephones systems, video tutorials, quick reference guides, and other helpful VOIP information.
BPS is revolutionizing communications, enhancing safety, increasing collaboration, and saving money by deploying VoIP technology in the classroom.
VoIP Benefits
Clear Digital Voice Quality
Enhanced Voicemail Capabilities
Integration of Wireless Handsets and Cell Phones
Transfer Desk Phone Functionality to Your Mobile Device
Positions the District for Unified Communication to Allow Transfer of Voicemail to Email