Teachers - Listen up!
Would any teachers be interested in Teachers’ Development Days? A day
when teachers meet for an exchange of ideas, to learn new techniques, to
increase and improve their skills, to try out new ideas on a willing group of
subjects, to ask questions, and learn from the experience of others, to drink
tea, and eat cake.
If you are interested e-mail Kim at [email protected] and we’ll see
what can be arranged.
Sharon and Kirsty’s journey
It seems so long ago that
Kirsty left for Mexico, with
mum, Sharon, to keep her
While we wait for a full report
from Sharon, we can tell you
that they are back in good old
There are still bits of the
treatment to be done, but by
all accounts Kirsty is
progressing well.
I hope they don’t mind me
pinching the picture from