Care to Share - #1
Teaching, or interested in teaching? Then we have some questions to get you thinking.
General members - potential teachers:
To move from student to teacher may seem a daunting jump out of your comfort zone. But
think about what you know, what you have learned during your BADFA membership, from
other groups, classes, workshops, and seminars that you have attended!
Now that you have acquired all that knowledge - what would be the first thing you would
share, or teach a beginner for their first lesson? Why would you choose that?
Let us know what you think.
Already teaching - teachers:
What do you teach your beginners? What’s the first thing they need to know? And why? Is
the lesson successful? Is there something you may change for future lessons?
Share your thoughts and ideas with us and we’ll open the discussion here.
Send your answers to:
Kim - [email protected]
Gill - [email protected]
Photo by from Pexels