Leave to dry or use a hairdryer on a gentle heat .
Once dry apply a coat of Décor Crackle to the area that you would like crackled . Load your brush well with the medium and let it flow off the brush . A wide , flat brush is the best . DO NOT WORK THE DECOR CRACKLE TOO MUCH .
The medium must flow off the brush and leave a good layer where required . You get bigger and better cracks if the medium is a thicker layer but if you work the medium too much it will not activate .
Once the Decor Crackle is dry you can apply a contrasting top coat of paint . Again , do not over work the paint . Get in and get out . If you over work it you will stop the cracking process . When choosing your topcoat colour , please be aware that the crackle will not work if a metallic paint is used ( i . e . Gold ) or an iridescent / pearl paint . Once this layer of paint has dried you may start to see some cracks appearing , to increase the quality and number of cracks apply some Crackle Medium with a brush .
The time between putting the décor crackle on and applying the top coat is recommended as ‘ up to 6 hours ’ when drying naturally , but I have before left it for up to a week and the crackle has still worked . If uncertain , try it .
You will get a different crackle effect depending on how you apply the top paint . A sponge will give you a random crackle , a brush will give you a bark effect . Play and enjoy .
If you want to varnish your piece , make sure you leave it for at least a couple of weeks in case you re activate the crackle medium and it cracks your varnish .
Tip 1 : I keep a supply of clean milk bottle lids and use these for pouring out small amounts of the mediums ready to use . If you pour out too much it tends to start air drying before you get a chance to use it !
Tip 2 : I buy the big car wash sponges from the pound shop and cut them up into useable sizes . When I want to use the sponge I dunk it in water then give it a good squeeze out . That way it does not water down the paint , but the damp sponge does not absorb as much of the paint ( I hope that makes sense !) ( Just ! - Ed )
Tip 3 : I insist on my little terrier having food that comes in foil trays . I wash these out and use them for holding the mixed paint . If you don ’ t use all the colour , cover it with some damp kitchen roll , place in a carrier bag and store in the fridge . It should remain viable for quite a while .
Have fun and enjoy playing . Lynn x