The Decorative Folk Artist February/March 2017 | Página 3

Teachers - Listen up !

As you know , all our teachers are listed on the blog page so that members can contact you directly . We need to make sure we have you listed as a teacher if you want to be - but not listed if you don ’ t .
Here are the teachers as currently shown on the blog - please check to see if you are there . Tell us if the list needs amending for you . Do you want to be added or removed .
As there is no difference in membership rates , there is no increase for teachers ( nor reduction for non-teachers ).
Here is the list …
Ron Brooks - Derbyshire Dawn Catmull - Gloucestershire Sonnie Day - Hertfordshire Diane Dening - Somerset Carol Hudson - Surrey Dian Harrison - Nottingham Gill Hobbs - Cornwall Clare Holmes - Sussex Bobbie Hood - Middlesex Suz Humphreys - Surrey
Debra Jenkinson - Surrey Ann Miller - Wiltshire Kim Moody - Hampshire Helen Morris - Staffordshire Heather Rattray - Cumbria Marjorie Rigby - Somerset Margaret Ringham - Cambridgeshire Sharon Wolf - Middlesex Sue Goodhand - Hampshire Lola Gill - Devon
And while on the subject of teachers and teaching , would any teachers be interested in Teachers ’ Development Days ? A day when teachers meet for an exchange of ideas , to learn new techniques , to increase and improve their skills , to try out new ideas on a willing group of subjects , to ask questions , and learn from the experience of others , to drink tea , and eat cake .
If you are interested e-mail Kim at badfa . editor @ gmail . com and we ’ ll see what can be arranged .